Where in the World is the United States?
During Prophecy that is.....
Burnin' Down the House
Commentary on the News
Monday, March 26, 2007
Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor
Iran has put together a senior defense delegation to discuss joint weapons development projects and related cooperative efforts with Bashar Assad's Ba'athist government in Syria.
Iran is cozying up to the Syrian regime as openly as it has been of late is noteworthy. Syria is a majority Sunni Ba'athist state, as was that of Saddam's Iraq.
The Iranians fought an eight year war against the Ba'athists that expended the cream of that generation on the battlefields. If one looks at Iran's population demographic, seventy percent is under thirty and the rest are over sixty.
There is a gaping hole in the middle. That entire generation was wiped out by the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988.
Politically, Bashar Assad is Saddam's ideological twin. If Iran wasn't planning war with the West, it would be planning war with Syria. But, Sunni or Shi'a, they share the same Islamic duty to first 'liberate' the Holy Land from the "Jewish Occupation."
It is important to understand the significance of that sense of 'duty'.
The Hamas Charter states, "[Peace] initiatives, the so-called peaceful solutions, and international conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem all contradict the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement. Indeed, giving up any part of Palestine is tantamount to giving up part of its religion."
Any peace agreement with Israel that involves recognition of Israel's right to exist is an admission that Islam is a false religion. Islam can no more recognize Israel's right to Temple Mount than religious Jews can recognize Islam's possession of it.
All of historical Palestine—modern Israel (within the 1949 armistice borders), Gaza, Judea, Samaria, and modern Jordan—whose pre-Islamic inhabitants—Jews, Samaritans, and Christians—were conquered by jihad in the fourth decade of the 7th century—is considered “fay territory”.
It is a permanent part of the Dar al Islam, where Islamic Law must forever prevail. Israel, governed by a “usurper” infidel people, i.e., Jews, on such “fay territory”—no longer an appropriately oppressed dhimmi people living under the yoke of Islamic Law—must be destroyed in a collective jihad by the entire Muslim community.
That is the religious duty of all Muslims, both Arab and Persian.
That is the fatal flaw in the peace process. To the Islamic world, the peace process was exactly as Arafat always described it. A stalling tactic while the forces of Islam prepared for war. With Iran on board this time, they think they are ready.
So do most Western intelligence agencies.
The new head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Maples, told Congress that the war between Israel and Hezbollah will likely break out again this summer.
General Maples told the Congress that "while Israel damaged Hezbollah's arsenal and many of its buildings, “Hezbollah’s leadership remains unscathed and probably has already replenished its weapons stockpiles with Iranian and Syrian assistance.”
He noted that, "Hezollah leaders claimed victory and grew more assertive in their political demands as demonstrated by opposition demonstrations in Beirut."
"Hezbollah is currently focused on asserting political dominance in Lebanon. Iran and Syria remain committed to Hezbollah's survival. Israeli defense officials have publicly opined that due to the fluid situation, the conflict could reignite during the summer of 2007,” he said.
Syria is helping Islamic terrorists from al-Qaeda, Fatah al Islam and Jund al-Sham infiltrate into Lebanon to bolster existing Hezbollah forces in Nah al-Barid refugee camps. There are reports that the terrorists then deploy throughout Beirut or scatter inside Palestinian 'refugee' camps.
In addition, Maples told Congress that, "Syria has had a chemical weapons program for many years and already has a stockpile of the nerve agent sarin, which can be delivered by aircraft or ballistic missiles." He also reported Syria has gotten missile assistance from China, Iran and North Korea.
"The Syrian military has focused its limited defense procurement dollars on low-cost, high-impact weapons such as anti-tank guided missiles, advanced tactical surface-to-air missiles like the SA-24, and upgrades to existing platforms," Maples said.
So, with all this intelligence pointing towards an inevitable conflict in the Middle East, perhaps in a matter of weeks, one that will just as inevitably put US forces in the middle of an unconventional war involving gas, biological weapons, and maybe even nuclear weapons, what has the Democrat-controlled Congress occupied?
Investigating what is, by all accounts, the LEGAL firing of eight US attorneys by the White House. Issuing subpoenas for White House staff over a non-crime. Arguing about the best way to lose the war in Iraq. Demanding open hearings on sensitive intelligence matters, hoping to embarrass the White House.
This is no longer politics. It is an issue of national survival.
Where is America in Bible prophecy?
How is it that the Bible can accurately forecast the emergence of the four spheres of world power in the last days, precisely as they have emerged IN THIS GENERATION, while omitting mention of the greatest global super-power the world has ever known?
There are but two possible answers. The first, and most hopeful, is that the Rapture of the Church will so decimate and demoralize the nation that it will cease to play any meaningful role on the international stage during the Tribulation Period.
The second is that Congress will keep fiddling until Washington burns.
I wish I could say which comes first.
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