
The Narrow Minded Christian

God is narrow minded: 1 God 1 Way NO EXCEPTIONS. Jesus Christ is the ONLY door to salvation John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. "

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Monday, January 22, 2007


I know you've all seen them, the billboards that have God telling you something.

I saw this one on a state highway; it said:

"Need marriage counseling? I can help." -God.

Now I'm 18, I've never been engaged or anything like that. But that billboard stayed with me.

I don't need marriage counseling, but what about dating, friends, parents, financial planning? I never really thought about all the ways God and His word can counsel and help me until I saw that billboard; a billboard that on the surface had nothing to do with me.

So, when was the last time you sat down and asked God's help? Try it.

He's a free 24/7 helpline. Your pocketbook and your spirit will thank you for going to God.

Just remember, in all things God answers in His own time, but isn't all therapy like that?

~A Mountain Wings Original #7022

by Brittany Duffy, Norman, OK~


A VERY smart 18 year old!


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Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Right Doctor

"The doctor will hurt me!"

These were the plaintive words that my young son cried as mywife prepared to take him to the doctor.

It was just a routine checkup.

He remembered the last time. He got shots. The shots hurt.

I couldn't explain to him the benefits of seeing the doctor.He didn't understand bacteria and viruses.

He couldn't see them.

He could only feel the pain and did not see or know the threatof the unseen.

Life is often like that.

We endure painful things to make us stronger. The pain oftenprevents us from going through worse things in the future.

When things are sick in our lives, remember most, if not all,medicine is bitter. The cure usually tastes bad and feels bad,but it will make us better and stop the pain.

So it is with life.

Even the withdrawal from the old things and the people that madeus sick is bitter, but it will make us well.

The right doctor will not hurt you.

This is true in both the physical and the spiritual.

But neither can the doctor heal you, if you do not go.

This is also true in both the physical and the spiritual.

The right doctor will not hurt you, but has sacrificed to save you.

~~A Mountain Wings Original #2217 ~~

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Here are five ways God wants to use the problems in your life:

1. God uses problems to DIRECT you.

Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving. Problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to change. Is God trying to get your attention?

Sometimes it takes a painful situation to make us change our ways. Proverbs 20:30

2. God uses problems to INSPECT you.

People are like tea bags...if you want to know what's inside them, just drop them into hot water! Has God tested your faith with a problem? What do problems reveal about you?

When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith and this will give you patience. James 1:2-3

3. God uses problems to CORRECT you.

Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure. It's likely
that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove. But you probably learned by being burned. Sometimes we only learn the value of, money, a relationship... by losing it.

It was the best thing that could have happened to me, for it taught me to pay attention to your laws. Psalm 119:71-72

4. God uses problems to PROTECT you.

A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from being harmed by something more serious. Last year a friend was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his boss had asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem - but it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year later when management's actions were eventually discovered.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good... Genesis 50:20

5. God uses problems to PERFECT you.

Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders.
God is far more interested in your character than your comfort.
Your relationship to God and your character are the only two things you're going to take with you into eternity.

We can rejoice when we run into problems... they help us learnto be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady. Romans 5:3-4

Here's the point: God is at work in your life - even when you do not recognize it or understand it. But it's much easier and profitable when you cooperate with Him.

Success can be measured not only in achievements, but in lessons learned, lives touched and moments shared along the way.

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Bible Prophecy

Approximately 100 Million
American Church Members
Have Very Little to No
Understanding of Bible

-by Bill Koenig

Note from Bill:

Today there are approximately 100 million American church members who have very little to no understanding of Bible prophecy.

These church members are from replacement theology churches that don't teach Bible prophecy and who look at prophetic scriptures as allegorical and not literal. {President Bush was taught Replacement Theology}

Consequently, they do not understand the importance of Israel to the God of Israel or God's redemptive plan for Israel and the nations.

(To Read "The Error of Replacement Theology" - By Clarence H. Wagner Jr. Click Here

These church members also have no understanding of the biblical significance of what is transpiring today in Israel, Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and in other Middle East nations. They are also not aware of the significance of the formation of the European Union, new ID technologies and much more.

I have shared the biblical significance of our times with some of these people and almost all of them can't process the information mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Many of these people, due to fear or unbelief, do not want to hear more. Sadly, they also have no biblical point of reference in which to start if they had interest.

The good news is those who understand Bible prophecy are fully aware of the significance of Israel, God's time clock, and are watching the times with great interest and expectancy.

Below is a list of the 25 largest churches in America. The churches that are highlighted in bold {C~B~N is adding COLOR since bold is defaulted on this blog} are confirmed replacement theology churches. We are still attempting to confirm a few of the smaller church positions.

The Church

U.S. Membership Denominational Ranking: Largest 25 Denominations/Communions --2004 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches

1. The Roman Catholic Church - 66,407,105
2. Southern Baptist Convention - 16, 427, 736
3. The United Methodist Church - 8,251,042
4. The Church of God in Christ - 5,499,875
5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints -
6. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - 5,038,006
7. National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. - 5,000,000
8. National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.-3,500,000
9. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - 3,407,329
10. Assemblies of God - 2,687,366
11. The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - 2,512,714
12. African Methodist Episcopal Church - 2,500,000
13. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America
14. Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc.
15. The Episcopal Church - 2,333,628
16. Churches of Christ, Corsicana, Texas - 1,500,000
17. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - 1,500,000
18. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. - 1,500,000
19. American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. - 1,484,291
20. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church - 1,430,795
21. United Church of Christ - 1,330,985
22. Baptist Bible Fellowship International - 1,200,000
23. Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, Joplin, Mo.
24. Jehovah's Witnesses - 1,022,397
25. Church of God, Cleveland, Tenn., - 944,857

~~~~C~B~N's Thoughts~~~~

Baptists ain't perfect, but they at least understand Bible prophecy and don't think it is just an allegorical "thriller".

If you are through sticking your head in the sand and want to know about the "End Times" attend a Baptist church when they are doing one of their "end time" studies. They do them yearly. Especially since they believe we ARE LIVING in the END TIMES today.

Their reasoning for this?

Matthew 24: 32-35 or Mark 13: 28-31

The "fig tree" IS Israel. When she became a nation again, the millenium clock started its final countdown!

This is NOT something to be feared; UNLESS, you are unsaved!

And yes, C~B~N is Southern Baptist, born and raised!

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Is It Balanced?

It was a simple question that I asked the head of an organization where I sit on the board.

The director called me and wanted to schedule time to go over the new budget for the next year. The association has faced some tough economic issues recently. Tough economic issues are a big fancy way of saying the association had more bills than money.

Do you have tough economic issues?

No matter what the big accountants said; I asked one question."Is it balanced?" That meant, did we plan to spend NO MORE money than we took in or did we plan to spend more money than we took in.

If we spend the same or less than we made, then it was a balanced budget. If we spend MORE than we made, the budget was unbalanced and we would sooner or later run into trouble.

My father put it this way:

"When your outgo exceeds your income
then your upkeep becomes your downfall."

He repeated it to me often so it sunk in.

"Is it balanced?"

I recently had to go over the church's budget and trim it.

The income of the church was up, but expenses were up more.

Cutting expenditures is always painful. It's easy to spend; it's hard to cut back.

Statistics were given at a recent church conference: Over 3,000 churches in America close their doors EACH WEEK mainly because of shortage of money.

"Is it balanced?"

Businesses, churches, governments, and yes YOU have to askyourself, "Is it balanced?"

Am I spending more than I am bringing home? The vast majority really don't know. They have never done a budget. They can't tell you where ALL of their money goes. They can only tell you THAT it goes.

If you answer "Don't Know" or "NO" to "Is it balanced?" then you need a budget that works.

Inspirational? Trust me, you'll feel better if you aren't mired in debt and can pay your bills.

Don't know how to make a budget? There is an excellent budget planning section and worksheets in the book, BedroomTALK at
Hit Books

Why is it in "BedroomTALK"? Because money is the number one reason given for divorce and if the money isn't right, the bedroom won't be right.

"Is it balanced?"Make it so.

~A MountainWings Original~

Good advice for us all as we start out a new year!

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